Reservation(ご予約・お問い合わせ) Back(前に戻る)
Abbey Road(アビーロード)
Marked [*] questions are mandatory.
Please be sure to type your e-mail address correctly.


[*] は必須項目になります。ご記入がないと送信されません。
[*] Please select
For bookings, please select "Reservation".
[*] Name

Last name (姓)

First name (名)
For Japanese Only

[*] Reachable Phone
[*] Phone Number

If you select “office”, please fill in below.
Company Name

Company Name (会社名)

Division Name (部署名)
[*] Email address
[*] Email for confirmation

▲ お問い合わせの方はここまでご入力ください。
  Below is for reservations.
[*] Reservation Day
Month (月) Date (日) Day (曜日)
金・土曜日、祝祭日前(当日)のご予約はお手数ですが、お電話にてお願いいたします。 イベント日・貸し切り日等予約をお受けできない日もございます。
Please call our club (03-5544-9817) directly if your reservation is for Friday, Saturday, and National Holiday Eve.

[*] Time

Please come to our club before the first show begins.
If you come after the first show, it may be canceled.

[*] Number

※正確な人数が不明の場合は○から○(例 2から4)とご記入ください。
If it’s not exact yet, please fill in like “X-X”.
▲ ご予約の方はここまでご入力ください。
Questionnaire(アンケート) よろしければお答えください。
If you would not mind, could you please answer the following questionnaire?

How did you know about Abbey Road?


アドレス・サイト名・雑誌名など/ Please fill in the name, possible.

Where did you get the information on our web site?


アドレス・サイト名・雑誌名など/ Please fill in the URL, possible.

How often do you visit our web site?


What do you often buy online?

(インターネットでよく購入するものはどんなものですか? )
Do you go to other live houses (clubs)?

What kind of music do they play? (Multiple-choice)

Your age

What kind of events and guests do you expect? Any Requests?


Would you like to receive DM from Abbey Road?


Could you please confirm that your reservation is not for today, Friday, Saturday, National Holiday Eve, and our special event day (e.g. John's memorial event, Paul's birthday event, and etc.)?

ご予約を承れない日 もございます、ご了承ください。


Copyright © 2004 - 2024 Abbey Road Ltd.